Looking for science Christmas present ideas for kids?

Are you looking for Christmas presents for your grandchildren? Or perhaps your children’s grandparents are asking for Christmas present ideas? Maybe you need science present ideas for your nieces and nephews, or for any other small science fans in your life?

If you’re looking for science kits for kids, we’ve got the perfect solution: Whizz Pop Bang science magazine for children is the gift that delivers science wonder through the letterbox every month! Packed with exciting activities, eye-opening facts, puzzles, jokes and more with features written by science experts, it’s the present that keeps on giving all year round!

But that’s not all… We’ve also launched a lab-load of extra goodies this year, perfect for popping under the tree to inspire scientists-in-training to start experimenting! Science presents for kids are right here…

Grandchildren, godchildren, nieces and nephews can be tricky to buy for. Read our handy science gift guide and give the gift of curiosity this year!

Under £10: Science stocking fillers

Choose from dozens of back issues in our shop, £4.75 each

An issue of Whizz Pop Bang: £4.75

The Whizz Pop Bang Science Joke Book: £6.99

Whizz Pop Bang bundle (three issues): £9.99

Under £15: A pipette of treats

Y’s Wonder Club Pack (a large science scrapbook, 70 stickers and an enamel pin badge): £11.99

Whizz Pop Bang binder: £14.99

Around £20: A beaker of curiosity

Whizz Pop Bang lab coat: £19.99

6 monthly subscription to Whizz Pop Bang magazine: £20.99

Whizz Pop Bang bundle (three issues)
PLUS Y’s Wonder Club Pack (a large science scrapbook, 70 stickers and an enamel pin badge)
TOTAL: £21.98

Around £30: A flask of facts and fun

6 monthly subscription to Whizz Pop Bang magazine
PLUS The Whizz Pop Bang Science Joke Book
TOTAL: £27.98

Around £50: An explosion of inspiration!

6 monthly subscription to Whizz Pop Bang magazine
PLUS Whizz Pop Bang lab coat
PLUS The Whizz Pop Bang Science Joke Book
TOTAL: £47.97

12 monthly subscription to Whizz Pop Bang magazine
PLUS Y’s Wonder Club Pack (a large science scrapbook, 70 stickers and an enamel pin badge)
TOTAL: £51.98

Around £75: A lab-load of science!

12 monthly subscription to Whizz Pop Bang magazine
PLUS Whizz Pop Bang binder
PLUS Whizz Pop Bang lab coat
TOTAL: £74.97

The works!

12 monthly subscription to Whizz Pop Bang magazine
PLUS Y’s Wonder Club Pack (a large science scrapbook, 70 stickers and an enamel pin badge)
PLUS Whizz Pop Bang binder
PLUS Whizz Pop Bang lab coat
PLUS The Whizz Pop Bang Science Joke Book
TOTAL: £93.95

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whizz pop bang science magazine paper straw planes

Geometric paper straw planes!

How do you make a triangle fly? Will a square take to the air? Create your own paper straw flying machines and put them to the test with the SKY HIGH SCIENCE issue of Whizz Pop Bang! You’ll find everything you need inside issue 36 of Whizz Pop Bang science magazine, order a copy for just £3.75 with FREE UK delivery here.

Packed full of outdoor science activities for girls and boys over the summer holidays – ditch the screens and find out how planes fly!


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what makes something fly

Take off this summer with our Sky High Science issue!

Whizz Pop Bang science magazine for kids! Sky high science

Wouldn’t it be amazing to fly like a bird? Or how do you fancy fluttering like a butterfly, or even soaring like a snake?! There are all sorts of flying phenomena to discover this issue. Have a go at making your own stunt plane, investigating different designs of straw planes and testing aerofoils. We interview Palaeontologist Liz Martin-Silverstone to ask her how on earth the giant pterosaurs were able to fly, plus we find out how drones work, and answer the question on lots of people’s minds… just how do planes fly???

Buy this issue here and fill your summer holidays with awesome science fun!! ? ✈ ?

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four puppies playing

Whizz Pop Bang science magazine – virtual dog breeding game explained

Mini scientist Poppy explains how to play the virtual breeding game in the Purr-fect pets issue of Whizz Pop Bang science magazine.

Experiment with breeding different dogs together and see what colour the puppies are! Each dog has two copies of the coat colour gene. The black coat gene (B) is dominant and the brown coat gene (b) is recessive. This means that only puppies with bb genes will be brown, and all those with one or two B genes will be black.

What you do:

  1. Cut out the cards on page 19
  2. Choose a male dog and a female dog for breeding and lay their cards out on a table with the names facing up (you should have four cards)
  3. Randomly choose one card for each dog and record the puppy’s genes and coat colour in the table below
  4. Each litter produces four puppies so return the cards to the table, mix them up and repeat step 3 until you have recorded the genes and coat colours of four puppies
  5. Keep choosing different dogs to breed to see what colour their puppies will be

You should find:
Even though Daisy and Max are black, they can still produce brown puppies together, but Buddy and Bella will never produce brown puppies, even if they’re bred with a brown dog. Only Molly with Rocky will produce all brown puppies. Brown puppies are rarer than black so they cost more. This is why pet breeders often breed closely related animals with rare features together.

To play this game, buy the Purr-fect Pets issue of Whizz Pop Bang magazine from our online shop for just £3.75 with free UK delivery.

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Whizz POp Bang science magazine for kids edible poo_5

Blurghhh it’s edible poo!

We’ve been inundated with your photos of edible poo!!!! The PLOP-TASTIC poo issue has been the most popular issue of Whizz Pop Bang, proving (as if any parent or teacher needed proof) that kids really do love talking about poo!

WARNING! DO NOT look at these photos whilst eating, or if you’re easily offended by the sight of very realistic poo on a plate…

Intrigued about the ingredients for edible poo? Buy the PLOP-TASTIC poo issue of Whizz Pop Bang science magazine from our back issues shop and let the poo-themed fun begin!

Whizz Pop Bang science magazine poo issue

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little miss inventor

Little Miss Inventor Challenge!


Eeek! Much excitement here in the office today, as we’ve just been told about this awesome competition for our younger fans…

A competition is being held to celebrate the launch of Little Miss Inventor and it’s offering children the chance to have their invention immortalised in the Mr. Men and Little Miss series! How cool would that be?!? ?

The newest addition to the classic series, Little Miss Inventor uses her brainpower and creativity to think up inventions to help her friends. The competition’s winning invention will be drawn into an upcoming Mr. Men Little Miss Book. A shortlist of five inventions will also be displayed at the launch of Little Miss Inventor at the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester on March 24th.

To enter, fans aged 3-7 just need to visit the website mentioned in the picture, download the drawing sheet and come up with an invention to help Mr. Bump avoid accidents. Once they have drawn and labelled their invention it just needs to be scanned or photographed and uploaded to the dedicated website.

The competition is open between 29th January and 25th February 2018, and entries will be evaluated based on imagination, usefulness and creativity.

The competition is run in partnership with Little Inventors, an organisation dedicated to helping bring the ideas of children to life.

So, come on! Get your thinking caps on and get inventing!!


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Whizz Pop Bang science magazine for kids day of the dead skulls

The Whizz Pop Bang Halloween issue is out!


The brilliant science of bones. Did you know that, weight for weight, bone is stronger than steel? Yes, your skeleton is made up of some spookily awesome stuff! Get stuck straight into the bare bones of this issue by crafting a scary skull mask, experimenting with some brilliant bendy bones and building your own model skeleton.

Buy this issue here and get crafting some seriously spooky stuff ready for Halloween ?

Activities included in this issue: make a ball and socket joint, bend a real bone, make a bendy back bone, make a moveable skeleton, craft an x-ray machine and make a Halloween skull mask. Loads of awesome science fun for kids!

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Whizz Pop Bang logo round

Summer science ideas whatever the weather!

School’s officially out for the summer!!! WHOOOPEEEEE! Get ready for summer science fun with Whizz Pop Bang and our awesome experiments to do in the garden, at the beach, in the park or at the kitchen table when the skies are black…

Science outside:
☀️ Make a solar oven and bake cookies in the garden
☀️ Forensic science blood spatter test
☀️ Minibeast habitats
☀️ Butterfly banquet
☀️ Lay a pitfall trap
☀️ Make your own pooter (a special pot for collecting insects)

In the dark:
⭐️ Hold your own stargazing party
? Night time safari

At the beach:
? Take the super strong sand challenge
? Sandcastle secrets for Whizz Pop Bang scientists!
? Sand ripples in a bowl
? Panning for gold
? Shake it up!

Wet weather science:
☔️ Make a snoop-o-scope
☔️ Take your own finger prints
☔️ Make your own pond skater
☔️ Fireworks on a plate
☔️ Take the paper clip challenge
☔️ Penny drop
☔️ Whooshing pepper
☔️ Make an ocean in a bottle
☔️ Make a water-powered boat
☔️ Make an octopus

Order our summer science bundle here https://whizzpopbang.com/shop/product/899265457

Remember to post up your pics! #summerscience

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Whizz Pop Bang chromatography flowers

FLOWER POWER chromatography competition entries and winners!

In our FLOWER POWER issue Whizz Pop Bang readers learnt how to use the power of science to make these gorgeously frilly flowers. Paper chromatography is a neat little science trick that you can use to easily separate the different coloured inks out of felt tip pens.

Readers sent in their photos to enter the flower power competition to win a nature keeper tree diary set. As you’ll appreciate it was a tough job choosing just three winners – you should all be winners for producing these colourful creations! However, there could only be three winners and here they are:

Lula Brown, Aged 9
Isabel Soden, Aged 8
Jasper Warner, Aged 5

Congratulations, you have all won a Learning Resources Nature Keeper and Tree Diary Set perfect for summer science in the garden! Have a browse through all the entries for the competition, so many beautiful flowers and budding young scientists… ? ? ?

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Kids Against Plastic Activity Pack

We’re supporting this awesome campaign called Kids Against Plastic to help tackle the huge problem of plastic waste. Download this FREE activity pack and learn how to be kids against plastic!

As part of the Great Science Share, we put together this interactive activity pack for teachers to use in class to show kids what we can all do to reduce the amount of plastic we use. Whether you’re a teacher, a Brownie or Scout leader, grandparent or parent, the Kids Against Plastic campaign is for everyone to learn how to help in the fight against our reliance on plastic.

Click on the image below, download the pack and watch Ella and Amy tell you more… and don’t forget to join in with their mission to collect 100,000 pieces of plastic!

Whizz Pop Bang Great Science Share for schools activites

The Great Science Share is a national campaign to engage young people in sharing science with new audiences.


You can get involved as a School, STEM Educator, STEM Organisation and Business.

Features include:

The Great Science Teachmeet

The Business of Science Conference

The Great Science Share for Schools Campaign

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