What’s on: May half term at Manchester Museum of Science and Industry


Manchester Museum of Science and Industry

Superpowered Inventors!

Free family fun at the Museum of Science and Industry, May 26th – June 4th 2017

Manchester Museum of Science and Industry Pop Bottle Microscopes 2
Manchester Museum of Science and Industry Making Pop Bottle Microscopes
Brother and sister standing by 1830 Express with tickets - Science Museum Group Collection - © The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum - Jonty Wilde
Steam train at the Museum of Science and Industry
Picture: Jason Lock

What’s the difference between an inventor and a superhero? And can you ever be both? This May half term at the Museum of Science and Industry meet the innovators behind some of the most amazing inventions of all time and ask what powers they used that made their breakthroughs possible. Experience explosions, electricity and steam then play our special trading card game to find out which inventor was the most super of them all!

Set on the site of the world’s first passenger railway station, all of Manchester’s magnificent firsts are celebrated here at the museum – and why not top it off with a ride on our powerful steam train, the 1830 Express?

There are a huge range of activities to choose from, including:

The Super Power Show: POW! KABLAM! Join us for exploding experiments and electrifying demonstrations as we find out all about power. Discover some super inventors and the powers they used to move their machines and contraptions. Plus start your collection of Superhero trading cards.

Pop Bottle Microscopes: What’s stronger than the Hulk and nearly as see through as the invisible man? Graphene!  So grab some tape and investigate graphite by building your own pop-bottle microscope in this hands on workshop.

Creative Coding: What do you get if you add 1 + 0? You get computers, laptops, smart phones and even robots.  Discover how to code and spell your own name in binary and turn it into a necklace or wristband in this hands on workshop.  Its sure to be 01100110 01110101 01101110.

Engine Demonstration: How can the stuff that comes out of your kettle power a whole factory or even a city?  This interactive engine demonstration will show you how steam can power an engine the size of an elephant and how it still powers our homes today.

Manchester Mills: Why did Manchester get the nickname “Cottonopolis”?  Join us for a live demonstration of our textiles machinery as we turn plants into clothes.  Plus discover the difficult jobs which went along with working with such powerful machines.

The 1830 Express: Hop on the 1830 Express and step back to a time to when cotton was king and railways were about to change the world forever.

All happening during May half term, May 26th – June 4th 2017! For more details visit msimanchester.org.uk

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What’s on for February half term at the UK’s top science museums

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We’ve put together a list of the UK’s top science museums and found out what’s going on in February half term for kids and their families. Do you love hands-on science? Are your children always asking WHY? Go and see what’s on for science-lovers around the country! Just click on the image for each place and it’ll take you directly to the right page on the website to find out what’s going on. And don’t forget to tweet or post your #scienceiscool pics!

Science Museum London

Science Museum London


Museum of Science and Industry Manchester

Museum of science and industry


Thinktank Birmingham Science Museum

Thinktank Birmingham science museum


Discovery Museum Newcastle

Discovery Museum


Centre for Life Newcastle

Centre for Life


Catalyst Science Discovery Centre, Cheshire

Catalyst Science Discovery Centre


Eureka! The National Children’s Museum, Halifax

Eureka childrens museum


Winchester Science Centre, Hampshire

Winchester science centre and planetarium


National Space Centre, Leicester

National Space Centre


Museum of the History of Science, Oxford

Museum of the history of science Oxford


Techniquest, Cardiff



World Museum, Liverpool

World Museum Liverpool


MAGNA, Rotherham



At-Bristol hands-on science museum


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12 Days of Christmas Edible Science fun

Hello science-lovers! We’re super excited the Christmas issue of science magazine Whizz Pop Bang! Do you know the brilliant, crazy and uber creative Greg Foot? He’s the science guy on YouTube and presents science on Blue Peter, have you seen him? Well Greg has put together 12 awesome edible science experiments that really are the best entertainment for a very amusing (and tasty) family Christmas.


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And here are the 12 edible experiments, if you’d like to try these hop over and buy a copy of the Whizz Pop Bang Christmas issue here.


Remember experiments are experiments, which means you may not get them right first time – you’re scientists experimenting! If the lightning isn’t coming out of your sister’s mouth when you’re in the cupboard under the stairs don’t despair! Wait a little longer and try again, your eyes need to get really accustomed to the dark, and crunch really hard with your mouth open – you may dribble a little 🙂

Our raisins didn’t dance the first time, so we tried again with fizzier water. The lava toffee can be tricky too, add a little water if you need to and be careful with the hot pan in all that excitement.

We filmed our kids playing with the weird custard go, see their reactions here: whizz-pop-bang-science-experiment-custard-goo

Do you have questions about these experiments or Whizz Pop Bang? Send us an email hello@whizzpopbang.com and we’ll be only too happy to help.



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COLOUR EXPLOSION! A rainbow of science for your kids


SO many reasons to be excited about our awesomely amazing dazzlingly bright October issue of Whizz Pop Bang! This month our awesome science magazine for kids is entitled ‘COLOUR EXPLOSION! A rainbow of science’. Here’s a quick low-down on what you can find inside… MISSION TO JUPITER * INTERVIEW WITH A BUBBLE SCIENTIST * SCIENCE OF LIGHT & COLOUR * CHAMELEONS * ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES * REFRACTION plus NINE EXPERIMENTS AND OUR NEW PULL OUT MAKE & DO SECTION! 

Kids you can experiment and make your own fabric dyes using spices, onion skins and beetroot (we suggest wearing an apron for this one), have yummy fun experimenting with sweets to make colourful patterns. Have a go at making colour changing art, and wow your friends and family with your handmade iridescent paper. There’s loads to make and do in this issue so what are you waiting for?!?

Why have a grey boring old half term, when you could have a whole kaleidoscope of science to brighten up your house! Buy your copy now: www.whizzpopbang.com/subscribe

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