World Oceans Day book competition!
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We’ve got five copies of The Story of Inventions to giveaway! Who invented the toilet, umbrella and diving suits? Find out in this fascinating book of inventions…
To enter simply answer this question in the comment box below:
Who created the world’s first electric motor?
a) Michael Faraday
b) Michael Magnet
c) Michael Field
Deadline to enter is midnight on 31st May 2018.
By entering this competition you agree to our terms and conditions. Thanks to Usborne Books for supplying the prizes.
Mini scientist Poppy explains how to play the virtual breeding game in the Purr-fect pets issue of Whizz Pop Bang science magazine.
Experiment with breeding different dogs together and see what colour the puppies are! Each dog has two copies of the coat colour gene. The black coat gene (B) is dominant and the brown coat gene (b) is recessive. This means that only puppies with bb genes will be brown, and all those with one or two B genes will be black.
What you do:
You should find:
Even though Daisy and Max are black, they can still produce brown puppies together, but Buddy and Bella will never produce brown puppies, even if they’re bred with a brown dog. Only Molly with Rocky will produce all brown puppies. Brown puppies are rarer than black so they cost more. This is why pet breeders often breed closely related animals with rare features together.
To play this game, buy the Purr-fect Pets issue of Whizz Pop Bang magazine from our online shop for just £3.75 with free UK delivery.
Today is National Pet day! The purr-fect day to launch our online competition to win one of four Paper Pets books, with 10 cute pets and their accessories to pop out and make. Each pet has a name, a house (or a perch for the parrot!) toys and even some food.
To enter this competition you’ll need your Purr-fect Pets issue of Whizz Pop Bang handy. Have you read about Charles Darwin’s pets yet? Tell us which of these animals he kept in the comment box below ??
Which pets did Charles Darwin keep?
a) newts
b) stick insects
c) pigeons
Enter by midnight on 30th April. Good luck!
Thanks to Quarto Kids for supplying four Paper Pets books for this Whizz Pop Bang competition.
We’re lucky to have Steve on the Whizz Pop Bang boffin team (our panel of expert scientists who advise us on the latest scientific developments), so we asked him a few questions about the latest dinosaur print to be discovered on the Isle of Skye.
1. Are there words to describe just how exciting it feels to discover these tracks?
We’ve been inundated with your photos of edible poo!!!! The PLOP-TASTIC poo issue has been the most popular issue of Whizz Pop Bang, proving (as if any parent or teacher needed proof) that kids really do love talking about poo!
WARNING! DO NOT look at these photos whilst eating, or if you’re easily offended by the sight of very realistic poo on a plate…
Intrigued about the ingredients for edible poo? Buy the PLOP-TASTIC poo issue of Whizz Pop Bang science magazine from our back issues shop and let the poo-themed fun begin!
World Poetry Day is a time to appreciate and support poets and poetry around the world. It is held on March 21 each year and is an initiative of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
Many people around the world celebrate World Poetry Day on or around March 21 each year. Government agencies, educators, community groups and individuals get involved in promoting or participating in the day. World Poetry Day is an opportunity for children to be introduced to poetry in classrooms. It is a time when classrooms are busy with lessons related to poetry, in which students examine poets and learn about different types of poetry.
Michael Rosen is a poet, a very funny poet who has been writing poems about all sorts of things for as long as we can remember (that’s at least 35 years!). His poems are really quirky, always amusing and particularly good at taking a sideways look at everyday things in life. This poem about eggs is taken from ‘Centrally Heated Knickers’ a book of poems about science and technology. You can follow Michael on Twitter and find out what he’s up to. He does school visits too!
Discover the weird and wonderful world of martians, woolly saucepans and centrally heated knickers in 100 poems about science and technology from the delightfully irreverent, Michael Rosen.
Who was Stephen Hawking, and why was he famous? As budding scientists themselves, your children are bound to ask questions about the man in the wheelchair with the strange voice. And rightly so, for this is a man to be talked about and remembered for so many ground-breaking discoveries in science.
On the way to school yesterday morning, as we heard the news of Stephen Hawking’s death, my children asked why he died. This is a perfectly reasonable question, and one I answered with suggestions as I didn’t know exactly why he had died. We listened to the news reader and tried to make sense of a man who defied the doctors’ words and went on to live for an ‘extra’ 53 years.
Alok Jha explains why black holes are doomed to shrink into nothingness then explode with the energy of a million nuclear bombs, and rewinds to the big bang and the origin of the universe. From The Guardian.
Famous Stephen Hawking quotes include:
Lucy Hawking describes the moment her famous scientist father, Doctor Stephen Hawking, was asked by a child – what happens if you fall into a black hole?
“As a child you could ask any question you wanted – and get a reply,” she said.
George’s pet pig breaks through the fence into the garden next door – introducing him to his new neighbours: the scientist, Eric, his daughter, Annie, and a super-intelligent computer called Cosmos. And from that moment George’s life will never be the same again, for Cosmos can open a portal to any point in outer space . . .
Written by science educator Lucy Hawking and her father – the most famous scientist in the world – and illustrated by Garry Parsons, George’s Secret Key to the Universe will take you on a rollercoaster ride through space to discover the mysteries of our universe.
On the universe: “It would not be much of a universe if it wasn’t home to the people you love.”
On persistence: “However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. It matters that you don’t just give up.” – at an Oxford University Union speech in 2016.
On curiosity: “So remember, look at the stars and not at your feet.” – at the Sydney Opera House in 2015.
On space: “May you keep flying like superman in microgravity.” – to NASA astronauts in 2014.
‘Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at.’ Stephen Hawking’s words are an inspiration to us all regardless of our age, abilities or dreams.
Stephen Hawking, 1942- 2018
We’ve got three signed copies of The Matilda Effect to giveaway!
Matilda loves science and inventing. Her heroes are Marie Curie, Leonardo da Vinci and Thomas Edison, and one day she wants to be a famous inventor herself. So when she doesn’t win the school science fair, she’s devastated – especially as the judges didn’t believe she’d come up with her entry on her own. Because she’s a girl…
Answer below in the comment box ?? by midnight on 31st March 2018.
British Science Week is a ten-day celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths for kids, families and schools everywhere. Get inspired and join millions of mini scientists experimenting and having fun learning about the awesome world of science.
We’ve got loads of ideas to bring science week to life in your school, so let’s get started. You will need your Whizz Pop Bang magazines (not a subscriber? Order back issues here at £3.75 per mag including delivery) and access to a colour photocopier.
This idea came from primary science teachers Kathryn Horan and Toby Tyler. Every week a couple of the children in the class take home a Whizz Pop Bang magazine to share with their families.
For this you will need a scrapbook and a plastic wallet for each magazine. Prepare an instruction sheet to go with each one:
Welcome to our Whizz Pop Bang scrapbook!
There are no specific rules about what you should do with the magazine, you could…
Whatever you do, we’d love to hear about it at school, so be sure to let us know or add something into the scrapbook. Have fun!
Cover the classroom in posters of inspirational, sensational scientists! In every issue of Whizz Pop Bang there’s a double-page spread focusing on famous scientists who made history with their discoveries and inventions. Photocopy the spreads and pin up to inspire your pupils!
Find out what real scientists do in their everyday jobs on our interview pages. We’ve interviewed over 30 scientists ready to inspire girls and boys to be our scientists of the future! To buy a back issue visit our back issues shop.
Issue 1: Becky Smith, Chocolate scientist
Issue 2: Karen Ladenheim, Robotics scientist, Stanford University
Issue 3: Lynn Whitfield, Bat ecologist
Issue 4: Dr Steve Brusatte, Palaeontologist, Edinburgh University
Issue 5: Rob Lambert, Antarctic explorer and polar scientist
Issue 6: Tim Peake, Astronaut
Issue 7: Susan Cheyne, Conservation biologist (orangutans)
Issue 8: Misha Lotto, young scientist, Blackawton Bees Project
Issue 9: Josie Campbell, Vet
Issue 10: Shane Cronin, Volcanologist (New Zealand)
Issue 11: Jennifer Andon, Entomologist
Issue 12: Dr Maddalena Bearsi, Marine biologist
Issue 13: Prof Robert Winston, Medical scientist, Imperial College
Issue 14: Sarah Shelley, Fossil hunter
Issue 15: Helen Czerski, Bubble scientist
Issue 16: Abbie Hutty, Mars Rover engineer
Issue 17: Lara Aknin, Psychology professor (gift-giving)
Issue 18: Emma Burke, Penguin aquarist
Issue 19: Ian Gilby, Primatologist, Tanzania
Issue 20: Caoimhe Doyle, Foley Artist, sound effect engineer
Issue 21: Amy Dejong, Food scientist, University of Wisconsin
Issue 22: Payton Barnwell, Nanotechnologist, Florida Polytechnic Uni
Issue 23: Dave Goulson, Bumblebee biologist
Issue 24: Huw James, Science adventurer
Issue 25: Alex Hildred, Maritime archaeologist
Issue 26: Cierra Martin, Seed guardian
Issue 27: Toby Gemmill, Orthopaedic vet
Issue 28: Dr Sheyna, Martian (sort of)
Issue 29: Richard Stammers, Visual effects artist
Issue 30: Andres Ruzo, Geothermal Scientist
Issue 31: Lisa Elser, Gem cutter
To buy a back issue (for just £3.75 inc delivery) visit our back issues shop.
Every issue of Whizz Pop Bang science magazine looks at 10 awesomely amazing things on that month’s topic. Looking at engineering as part of the year of engineering? Take a look at ENGINEERING EXTRAVAGANZA (issue 16) with 10 Awesomely Amazing bizarre buildings, including a toilet-shaped building in Korea! Studying the human body? Check out SPECTACULAR SKELETONS (issue 27) and the 10 Awesomely Amazing bionic body parts, from 3D printed prosthetic hands to ancient Egyptian artificial toes. Is your topic plants this term? Kids love reading about the 10 Awesomely Amazing harvests from around the world in our SUPER SEEDS (issue 26), did you know there are chillies that melt latex gloves?
All Whizz Pop Bang magazines are packed full of science puzzles and a quiz to test your pupil’s science knowledge. There are also word searches, jokes, riddles and brain teasers for every age and ability. Turn wet play into a festival of science fun and games!
There are hundreds of simple hands-on science experiments and activities in Whizz Pop Bang magazine, and for each one we outline what you need, what to do, and you will find making it ideal for primary school teachers who may not have a science background. Perfect for curious kids and teachers looking for simple science ideas! Check out our bulk discounts for schools here and celebrate British Science Week 2018 with a Whizz, Pop and a Bang!
What is The Great Science Share?
Following on from British Science Week there are several events going on around the UK. Use these ideas for your Great Science Share; a national campaign to engage young people in sharing science with new audiences.
You can get involved as a School, STEM Educator, STEM Organisation and Business.
Features include: