Space Racers by Isabel Thomas

Online competition to win SPACE RACERS kit by Isabel Thomas

WPB online science book competition SPACE ROCKETS

Whether you’re age eight or 108 there’s something really exhilarating about making paper rockets and imagining you can really zoom off into space! Which is why we’re over-the-moon happy to announce we have FIVE Space Racer kits to give away for our November online competition, to link in with the November issue of Whizz Pop Bang science magazine Planetary Adventures.

To enter this competition we’d like to know what you love most about Whizz Pop Bang magazine. Send in a photo or video of you with your favourite issue, telling us which pages you read first, or which experiment is the best or who you do your experiments with in your family and why it’s so much fun. Email your entry to with SPACE RACERS in the subject box by 12pm GMT on 30th November 2017.

Space Racers contains everything you need to press out and make your own paper rocket models. From the rocket that made the first manned space flight, Vostok K, to the future of space travel, the Skylon space plane. Use the easy to use, step-by-step instructions to build eight historically accurate rockets and two imaginary rockets, which are left blank for your own designs. A separate booklet introduces you to the exhilarating world of rocket science and space exploration, and includes fun and detailed fact files for each rocket. Published By Laurence King, priced £22.50.

Space Racers Make Your Own Paper Rockets is written by the hugely talented Whizz Pop Bang science writer, Isabel Thomas.

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sand swirl

In memory of Michael Welland

Michael Welland
Michael Welland






We were deeply saddened to hear that Michael Welland, one of our Whizz Pop Boffins, passed away last month.

Michael was a geologist and sand expert who advised Whizz Pop Bang on all things sandy and rocky, and taught us everything we know about building amazing sandcastles. He was enormously supportive and enthusiastic about the magazine from the start. Always full of fantastic suggestions and inspiring ideas, Michael was a real asset to have on board. He will be greatly missed.

Whizz Pop Bang Issue 12 at the beach article by Michael Welland

Our February issue, which will be all about gems and crystals, owes a lot to Michael’s ideas and will be dedicated to his memory.

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Reading Rocks logo

#ReadingRocks_17 Conference

Reading rocks 2017 event

On Saturday 14th October we took Whizz Pop Bang to Reading Rocks 2017, a teach meet event for like-minded, book-ish primary school staff and librarians, to discuss ways to make reading rock for EVERY single pupil.

This year’s #ReadingRocks_17 Conference included talks by educational experts Mary Myatt and Teresa Cremin, as well as author SF Said who all gave their advice on how to encourage reading for pleasure, how to engage reluctant readers and the importance of reading to a class everyday. One teacher said “I open a book and the class goes quiet”, prompting a discussion on how much kids love listening to stories and learn so much from being read to, as well as reading themselves.
Teresa Cremin explains reading rivers
Teresa Cremin explains reading rivers

We were delighted to be involved in such a positive and forward-thinking event, surrounded by teachers who want to make a difference and find new ways to engage kids in reading for pleasure. We chatted to lots of teachers to find out how they use Whizz Pop Bang in class, and to offer our top tips such as using our magazines in guided reading sessions as well as for science and topic work.

Pupils choosing science magazines
Pupils choosing their favourite science magazines

The Reading Rocks event is part of a rich reading culture at The District CE Primary School in Merseyside. The school won the Innovation in Education Award at The Educate Awards in 2015, and is up for the literacy award once again, thanks to its pioneering approach.

The school has a ‘Reading is STEMsational’ project set out to develop boys’ reading with a focus on STEM subjects. The impact of the project has been vast – 77% of Key Stage 2 boys reported that STEM year has encouraged them to read more. Whilst Whizz Pop Bang is very much a gender-neutral magazine, the teachers have used the magazines for this scheme, helping both boys and girls to enjoy reading about the wonderful world of science!

Win 24 back issues of Whizz Pop Bang
Win 24 back issues of Whizz Pop Bang in these super tidy binders

Everyone who visited the Whizz Pop Bang stand was invited to enter a competition to win 24 back issues of in two of our super handy binders. With the help of this Class tools app we’ve selected a winner, congratulations to Aidan Severs from Dixons Manningham Primary school in Bradford… enjoy with your budding young scientists!

Reading Rocks schools Whizz Pop Bang competition

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Operation Ouch the HuManual cover

WIN! Operation Ouch ‘The HuManual’ by Chris and Xand van Tulleken

WPB online science book competition Operation Ouch The HuManual

Is there anything more disgusting than sick, poo, snot and verrucas? NO!!! Which is exactly why kids absolutely LOVE reading books all about the human body. This brand new book Operation Ouch The HuManual by doctor duo Chris and Xand van Tulleken couldn’t be more revolting. Every page you turn will guarantee to turn your stomach too, in fact this book comes with a warning: DO NOT READ WHILST EATING.

We just know Operation Ouch The HuManual will appeal to Whizz Pop Bang readers which is why we’ve got hold of four copies to give away. Get ready for the gross factor!

To enter this online competition simply answer the following question:

A giraffe has more neck bones than you… true or untrue?

Answer in the comment box below before midnight on 31st October, good luck 🙂

Hint: read the current issue of Whizz Pop Bang to find out the answer! To buy this issue visit our online shop here.

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Whizz Pop Bang science magazine for kids day of the dead skulls

The Whizz Pop Bang Halloween issue is out!


The brilliant science of bones. Did you know that, weight for weight, bone is stronger than steel? Yes, your skeleton is made up of some spookily awesome stuff! Get stuck straight into the bare bones of this issue by crafting a scary skull mask, experimenting with some brilliant bendy bones and building your own model skeleton.

Buy this issue here and get crafting some seriously spooky stuff ready for Halloween ?

Activities included in this issue: make a ball and socket joint, bend a real bone, make a bendy back bone, make a moveable skeleton, craft an x-ray machine and make a Halloween skull mask. Loads of awesome science fun for kids!

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Whizz Pop Bang dandelion test flight

All you need to know about SEEDS

Follow the ingenious journeys of seeds with our SUPER SEEDS issue! Learn about seed dispersal with our simple experiments and activities, like this dandelion model test to show just how far seeds can travel.

Whizz Pop Bang dandelion test flight

Dandelion test flight

You will need:

  • Sheet of A4 paper
  • Ruler
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Tape

What you do:

  1. Fold the paper into quarters and cut along the lines
  2. Take one of the quarters and rule a line as shown
  3. Cut lots of slits along the longer section, trying to make them less than 0.5 cm apart
  4. Roll the uncut area of the paper around your pencil as tightly as you can and secure with sticky tape
  5. Pull out the pencil and gently push down the paper strands so that they fan out in all directions

You should find:

You’ve made a model dandelion seed! Try dropping it from a height as a test flight. Throw it upwards into a strong wind and see how far it will go.

How do seeds travel?

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Whizz Pop Bang logo round

Reviews for Whizz Pop Bang

We love hearing from our readers who always leave such honest reviews and comments, thanks to clare_isabel for this one on Instagram 🙂

Do your kids love asking WHY? Do your kids love a challenge? Are you looking for a family activity to try together? Subscribe to Whizz Pop Bang science magazine! Subscriptions from £2.92 per month and FREE UK delivery.

Whizz Pop Bang science magazine cracking review

#familygoodtimes #makingsciencerelevantforkids #kidsmakethebestscientists #STEM #kidsmagazines

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Animal Activity book by Isabel Thomas

WIN! Brand new Animal Activity book by Isabel Thomas

Love science books? We’re giving our readers the chance to win brand new hot off the press awesome science books, cool hey?!

And who better to kick start these monthly competitions than the awesome science writer Isabel Thomas with two signed copies of her new book Animal Activities, ROAR! To enter simply answer the question ‘Which baby animals are sometimes called pinkies? Sausage dogs, worms or harvest mice?

Leave your answer in the comment box below. Winners will be announced on Saturday 30th September.

September competition Isabel Thomas Animal Activity


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conker in shell

September issue: Super seeds

In this issue we go mad for conkers and pine cones with fun hands-on science activities to learn all about how seeds spread. Everyone wants a bit of distance from their parents from time to time, but since seeds can’t move, they instead rely on cunning techniques to find their own patch of ground. Imagine being fired away from your parent in a green slimy liquid! Yes, this issue we’re looking at seed dispersal – you can try modelling dandelion seeds, making your own pinecone bird feeders and experimenting with a sycamore seed heli-spinner. Find out about the history of the invention of Velcro, which was inspired by nature’s own burs and take a peek inside a top-secret seed bank buried deep inside an arctic mountain. Happy experimenting kids!

Whizz Pop Bang science magazine for kids issue 26 SUPER SEEDS
Whizz Pop Bang science magazine for kids SUPER SEEDS (issue 26)

Not a subscriber? Click here to start a monthly subscription from just £2.92 a month with FREE Uk delivery. 

Buy this SUPER SEEDS single issue in our online shop packed full of all our super science magazines and bundles!

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Whizz Pop Bang logo round

Latest reviews for Whizz Pop Bang science magazine for kids!

Father with daughter reading Whizz Pop Bang science magazine

“My challenging day is immediately brightened by the appearance of my daughter’s Whizz Pop Bang magazine on the kitchen table. Once again I am moved to tears by the sheer enthusiasm and creative genius that unfolds before my eyes. I cannot express how moved I am by the high level of dedication blatantly apparent in this work. Keep it up, you are all awesome and a shining light in a world where cohesive design and creativity is so often lacking.”
Chris Else (father of 3)


“Loving this edition of @whizzpopbangmag @TheDistrictCE ?We are definitely going to play this game! So, so much brilliantly written info”
Mrs McFarlane


“Lots of whooping yesterday as the new edition arrived. Everything else was dumped as the competition was immediately boshed off, then we all learnt lots of crazy, interesting and gross facts which were read out to us enthusiastically. Such a great mag for kids. Thanks!”
Caroline Law

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