Are your kids totally and utterly obsessed by dinosaurs? Do they dream about dinosaurs? Well at The Natural History Museum in London there are plenty of dinosaurs and they do attract some interesting fellow snorers at night… Yes every month instead of closing all the doors and saying goodnight to the dinosaurs, sleep tight and see you in the morning, the staff at the Natural History Museum invite families to come and have a dinosaur sleepover.

Aptly named the ‘Dino Snore’ this special event is perfect for a special birthday treat, or indeed a treat for your little dinosaur expert who will remember this experience forever.
Don’t forget to take your Dinosaur issues of Whizz Pop Bang with you for bedtime reading! If you don’t already subscribe you can buy back issues here, issue 4 and 14 cover topics on Palaeontologists and How To Hunt For Dinosaurs.
Check out all the details on the Natural History Museum’s website, next available sleepover date is 3rd December so hurry and get it booked:
Thoughts on Dino Snores for Kids…
‘Just such a unique experience to sleep in such an iconic building.’
‘It was exciting, fun and ticked all the boxes for a magical experience.’
‘Amazing experience you couldn’t replicate anywhere else.’
‘Perfect for kids who dream of being a dinosaur hunter.’