On Saturday 14th October we took Whizz Pop Bang to Reading Rocks 2017, a teach meet event for like-minded, book-ish primary school staff and librarians, to discuss ways to make reading rock for EVERY single pupil.

We were delighted to be involved in such a positive and forward-thinking event, surrounded by teachers who want to make a difference and find new ways to engage kids in reading for pleasure. We chatted to lots of teachers to find out how they use Whizz Pop Bang in class, and to offer our top tips such as using our magazines in guided reading sessions as well as for science and topic work.

The Reading Rocks event is part of a rich reading culture at The District CE Primary School in Merseyside. The school won the Innovation in Education Award at The Educate Awards in 2015, and is up for the literacy award once again, thanks to its pioneering approach.
The school has a ‘Reading is STEMsational’ project set out to develop boys’ reading with a focus on STEM subjects. The impact of the project has been vast – 77% of Key Stage 2 boys reported that STEM year has encouraged them to read more. Whilst Whizz Pop Bang is very much a gender-neutral magazine, the teachers have used the magazines for this scheme, helping both boys and girls to enjoy reading about the wonderful world of science!

Everyone who visited the Whizz Pop Bang stand was invited to enter a competition to win 24 back issues of in two of our super handy binders. With the help of this Class tools app we’ve selected a winner, congratulations to Aidan Severs from Dixons Manningham Primary school in Bradford… enjoy with your budding young scientists!