Whizz Pop Bang dandelion test flight

All you need to know about SEEDS

Follow the ingenious journeys of seeds with our SUPER SEEDS issue! Learn about seed dispersal with our simple experiments and activities, like this dandelion model test to show just how far seeds can travel.

Whizz Pop Bang dandelion test flight

Dandelion test flight

You will need:

  • Sheet of A4 paper
  • Ruler
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Tape

What you do:

  1. Fold the paper into quarters and cut along the lines
  2. Take one of the quarters and rule a line as shown
  3. Cut lots of slits along the longer section, trying to make them less than 0.5 cm apart
  4. Roll the uncut area of the paper around your pencil as tightly as you can and secure with sticky tape
  5. Pull out the pencil and gently push down the paper strands so that they fan out in all directions

You should find:

You’ve made a model dandelion seed! Try dropping it from a height as a test flight. Throw it upwards into a strong wind and see how far it will go.

How do seeds travel?

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British Science Week 2016

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To celebrate British Science Week, we asked a group of our subscribers to tell us what they think science is all about. Using posters with questions such as ‘Where is science?’ ‘Who does science?’ and ‘Why do you love science?’ the kids (aged between 6 and 10) shared their thoughts…

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