Earn Your Epic Engineer Badge!Complete these four challenges to earn your Whizz Pop Bang Epic Engineer badge... |
1) Identify a problem
Describe the problem or challenge that you’re planning to solve with engineering, e.g. safely zipwire teddies out of your bed into a toy box, engineer a bridge that can hold a heavy weight or create a tall tower using only newspapers.
2) Design a solution
Draw or write down a plan showing how you are going to solve your problem or challenge. Try to think through some difficulties that might arise and plan how to overcome them. For example, how could you reduce friction if you’re creating a zipwire?
3) Get building
Time to start construction! Use materials that you have around the house whenever possible – the recycling box is your friend! Send us a photo of your construction.
4) Test and improve your design
Does your solution work? If not, don’t worry! Try to think of some improvements you could make and tell us about them.
1. Download the Epic Engineer application form. Print it out and complete the first page of the application form to tell us about how you've helped the environment. Attach any photos or drawings that you’d like to send to us. If you don't have a printer, you can type your answers into an email or write your answers on a plain piece of paper and send us a photograph of it.
2. Ask your parent or guardian to pay the £1-per-badge postage and packing fee, which can be done online at whizzpopbang.com/shop/719619/badge-postage-and-packing/. Add the order confirmation number to the second page of the application form.
3. Ask your parent or guardian to fill in the second page of the form.
4. Photograph or scan your completed form and any other documents and email them to Y@whizzpopbang.com with the subject line as ‘ Epic Engineer Badge’. Alternatively, post your completed application to Epic Engineer Badge, Whizz Pop Bang, Unit 7, Global Business Park, 14 Wilkinson Road, Cirencester, GL7 1YZ. Please note that it can take up to 12 weeks for delivery of the badges.
TEACHERS, find out about earning Epic Engineer certificates and stickers for your whole class here.