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Issue 115

£ 5.99

Put on your ear defenders – it’s about to get noisy! In this action-packed issue, you'll uncover the secrets of sound waves, discover how animals use noise to communicate and get to know the loudest creature in the world. Can you guess what it is?

Get hands-on with exciting experiments as you build your own speaker. Discover how an incredible invention, the microphone, captures sound. Make a paper cup telephone and see sound waves in action, then watch cornflour gloop dance on a speaker. Ever wondered what’s faster than sound? You can read about ten surprising things that can beat it in a race.

Find out how speakers transform electrical energy into music and turn old socks into a doggy draught excluder in a fun and practical upcycling project. There’s so much to explore in this noisy, fascinating journey into the world of sound!

Tagged in: Sound, Human body, Electricity, Indoor experiments

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