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"I love the resources, they're nicely linked to curriculum objectives and easy to pick up. Especially good for the
science-phobic amongst us as the ideas are all there."
Kay Wilkie, Year 6 teacher
Whizz Pop Bang Teaching Resources
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Interview with Jamie Oliver
The TV chef and author explains his love of cooking.
"My 10 year old son and his friend spent 30 minutes reading this together, and forgot - actually forgot! - that I had permitted some gaming time for them this afternoon! Literally the first time that has ever happened. Thank you! "Flora
"It's full of interesting ideas and activities - and jokes! My grandson (now 7) has been reading it for a couple of years now: he loves it and keeps going back to each issue."Lesley Burt
"A brilliant magazine which fills a real gap in the market. It’s fun, intelligent and very “do-able” for a wide range of ages and abilities."Carolyn Stroud
"My daughter received her first issue yesterday, and she loves it! I was impressed with the quality of the content, and the paper it's printed on. I took out the year subscription and folder on a whim and so glad I did! The extra touch was her name on the envelope."Ruth Louise
"The subscription was a Christmas pressie for my 9 year old - we both love the magazine and doing the experiments together. Great bonding and great opportunity to do practical science experiments! Amazing!!"Cesca Voo