
Beautiful bacteria

A short discussion topic, suitable for upper KS2, linking with the topics properties and uses of substances and properties and changes of materials. This artwork is made entirely of bacteria growing on a special gel called agar (a type of sugar made from algae). Bacteria eat the agar and multiply to form a visible colony.

This ten-minute activity, linking to speaking and listening, is ideal for use at the beginning of the day or during transition times, such as after lunch. Pupils will be challenged to guess what the image is by answering the questions shown on the first slide of the PowerPoint. This could be done on the whiteboard or through discussion with a partner. Once pupils have finished, click through to the next slide to reveal the answers. This discussion topic is also suitable for year 4, year 5, year 6, P5, P6 and P7.

Year 4, Year 5, Year 6
Properties and changes of materials
Beautiful bacteria

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