
Light investigation

In this lesson pack for year 6 and P7, linking to the topic light and vibrations and waves, pupils will discover how light travels in straight lines and is reflected off of objects so we can see them. Pupils will learn about the different parts of the eye, including the cornea, lens, pupil, retina and iris. Using mirrors and a kitchen roll, pupils will investigate light by building a simple periscope.

This downloadable pack includes:

  • A lesson plan, complete with top tips for setting up the activity.
  • Printable instructions for the activity.
  • A PowerPoint presentation that explains how we see.
  • A writing frame for an explanation text with a diagram of the eye, to be used in English lessons.
  • Three speedy science activities.

Simple to resource! The items you will need:

  • Kitchen roll tubes
  • Mirrors (the rectangular mirrors you use in maths will be perfect)
Year 6
Light investigation

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