
Light: Make a pinhole camera

A practical activity for year 3 and P4, linking to the topics light and vibrations and waves. This pack explains what the Sun is, how we can use it for energy, why we need to stay safe in the Sun and how we need light to see. We should never look directly at the Sun, but a pinhole camera is a simple gadget that allows you to take a peek.

This pack includes:

  • A differentiated lesson plan, which includes a scientific explanation of how the pinhole camera works
  • A PowerPoint presentation explaining the Sun and how we see
  • Printable instructions to make a pinhole camera using materials which are difficult to recycle
  • Printable eye to cut and stick on the end of the camera

Simple to resource! The items you will need:

  • A craft knife
  • A piece of translucent paper
  • Thick tape
  • Tube-shaped packaging
Year 3
Light: Make a pinhole camera

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