
Whizz Pop Bang Teaching Resources

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A non-chronological report on harvest mice

A report about the smallest rodent in Europe, the tiny harvest mouse.

Topics: Living things and habitats

Year groups: Year 2

Types: Reading Resources

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Historical scientist Nicolaus Copernicus

Nicolaus Copernicus realised that the Earth orbits the Sun.

Topics: Earth and space

Year groups: Year 5

Types: Reading Resources

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Space: an interview with a scientist who changes poo into rocket fuel

He discovered he could turn poo into rocket fuel to solve a problem.

Topics: Earth and space, Animals including humans

Year groups: Year 4

Types: Reading Resources

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The invention of London's sewerage system

An invention that millions of people use every day.

Topics: Animals including humans

Year groups: Year 4

Types: Reading Resources

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How toilets work

A clear explanation text of what happens when you flush the loo.

Topics: Animals including humans

Year groups: Year 4

Types: Reading Resources

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How your skeleton works (includes diagram)

An explanation of how your skeleton works.

Topics: Animals including humans

Year groups: Year 3

Types: Reading Resources

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A biography on the historical scientist Marie Curie

Marie Curie invented the word radiocative

Topics: Animals including humans

Year groups: Year 3

Types: Reading Resources

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Animals: an interview with an orthopaedic vet

His job is to put broken pets back together after an accident.

Topics: Animals including humans

Year groups: Year 3

Types: Reading Resources

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Space: the Whirlpool Galaxy

An amazing image showing a galaxy (a collection a stars)

Topics: Earth and space

Year groups: Year 5

Types: Short Discussion Topic

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Volcanoes: a volcanic storm

An amazing image of lightning inside a volcanic ash cloud.

Topics: Earth and space

Year groups: Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6, Year 2

Types: Short Discussion Topic

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Stunning snowflake

A close-up image of a snowflake.

Topics: States of matter

Year groups: Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6, Year 2

Types: Short Discussion Topic

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Spaceship sports and music stadium

An aerial image of St Petersburg Stadium in Russia.


Year groups: Year 4, Year 5, Year 6

Types: Short Discussion Topic

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